Costs of Legal Advice

Advice from a specialised lawyer costs money, in some cases a lot of money. This makes it all the more important that the fee is reasonable and transparent.

Give me a call or write to me. You can send me a non-binding enquiry. I will make you a customised offer tailored to your consulting needs.

If – for whatever reason – I am unable to take on a mandate, I will let you know immediately.

I charge my fees either according to the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG) or according to time spent (hourly fee). Billing according to the RVG is generally based on the amount in dispute, while billing according to the time spent on the case. You can find an overview of the types of remuneration of the Federal Bar Association here:

I agree a specific fee for each mandate – either according to the amount in dispute/RVG or according to time spent. My hourly rate is currently (2024) 215 net (plus VAT). You will receive invoices for my time expenditure after completion or at regular intervals, to the nearest 3 minutes. If our time fee is below the statutory fees according to the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz), the statutory fee will be charged.