Music Law

As an experienced lawyer, I offer comprehensive advice and legal representation for musicians, artists and publishers. With my expertise and passion for the arts industry, I am at your side to professionally support and effectively resolve your legal concerns.

Whether you have questions about contract and licensing drafting, legal challenges related to copyright, trademark protection or publishing, I will support you with my in-depth expertise.

As your trusted legal advisor, I offer you not only personalised and tailored support, but also fast and efficient handling of your concerns. I understand the unique needs and requirements of the art world and endeavour to provide you with precise and understandable legal solutions.

With my comprehensive range of advisory services, I will support you in contract negotiations, advise you on your rights and obligations, represent your interests in legal disputes and assist you in all legal matters to protect and promote your creative ambitions.

I am always up to date with the latest legislation and actively follow current developments in the music and art industry. This enables me to offer you sound and forward-looking advice.

Music and art law are particularly complex legal matters. Creative work, rights of use and exploitation and the involvement of the most diverse players in the creation, performance and utilisation process must be combined. This often requires not only legally flawless performance, but also sensitivity in dealing with all parties involved.

I advise in clear language on the legal issues that creative people and companies have to deal with in all creative areas of the music industry. Copyright and copyright contract law are the legal foundations of music law. I advise on and draft all essential contracts in the music industry, including

  1. Band formation and management agreements,
  2. artist, producer and musik label agreements,
  3. author exclusivity and single title author contracts,
  4. concert contracts,
  5. sound carrier distribution agreements,
  6. licence agreements for music, visual arts, drama and
  7. contracts for merchandising

In disputes, I ensure that my clients’ rights are protected and enforced using all available legal means.

If you are looking for a reliable and committed lawyer who will comprehensively take care of your legal needs, please do not hesitate to contact me. Together we can overcome your legal hurdles and advance your artistic career.